Raising Turkeys for sale and enjoyment
Raising turkeys is easy, since they are friendly by nature and they have been known to become pets. However, raising turkeys entails maintaining perfect living conditions.
Various Turkey Breeds
The turkey is native to America and all strains and breeds originated in the Unites States.
The original was the wild Bronze turkey, from which about eight varieties of turkeys emerged.
Broad Breasted White (Large White) is used mostly for commercial purposes. It is said to have more meat than other breeds.
Broad Breasted Bronze (Large Bronze,) which was popular some time back is not as appealing anymore, because of the black pin feathers which are noticeable on the dressed bird.
Beltsville White is the third variety, which is a small white-feathered bird.
Eggs, Poults or Adult Birds?
Once a decision is made on the breed, it is time to decide on getting either eggs to be incubated, poults (baby turkeys) or breeding-age adult birds. The buying and maintenance of adult birds is very expensive but they are very delicious and can be very profitable
Brooding will take place whether eggs are bought or one-day poults. Since poults overheat quickly, they are brooded at lower temperatures than chicks. Poults need plenty of room and do not thrive in overcrowded conditions.
Housing your Turkeys
Approximately 100 square feet – 10 x 10 feet is required for raising a small group of 10-12 day old poults. Pens should be planned in such a way that provision is made for enough space for their growth. A good idea is to have a sun porch that is 8 x 10 feet for every 20 large or 30 small turkeys. It should have 1 x 2 inch welded wire flooring with chicken wire sides and top. The porch should be at least one foot above ground level and should have a 10 x 10 foot brooding area.
Equipment for raising turkeys
Young poults should be kept warm and dry. Shavings, straw and crushed corn cobs make excellent litter material. Cover the litter material with burlap bags, cloth or rough paper for the first few days and by then the birds would know where the feed and water is and will not eat litter.
Keeping your poults warm
Your need to keep your turkey poults at steady temperatures.For a large number of poults, a 250-watt heat lamp hung a couple of feet above the floor level can provide the heat. This provides the warmth required as well as a cool area outside of the light. For fewer birds, a 100-watt bulb and a large cardboard box are sufficient.
Feeding and watering your turkeys
A hanging feeder can be placed on the floor to enable day-old birds to eat from. As the turkeys grow, a covered and raised feeder, with mash at one end and grains at the other end works very well as the feed does not spoil by getting wet.
A chicken water fountain can be used for the first couple of weeks. A water can-pan with a wire guard works well as they grow.
If raising turkeys commercially, there are around four different feeds to give the birds as they are grown from day-old to market: the starter, grower and finisher feeds.
The starter ration should be used for the first eight weeks. After that, the grower rations should be given. At 14 weeks of age, along with the finisher rations, they should also be able to feed small grains, such as corn, heavy oats, wheat, barley, emmer or spelt, in a separate feeder, which accommodates mash as well as grains. This mash and grain mixture should be fed up to 20-28 weeks, which is the age of slaughter. They can also be allowed out within the fencing, if there is good pasture.
Turkeys grown on commercial feed programs may grow faster but this feeding program will also produce good turkeys. Plenty of water, small grains, mash and good pasture should be provided at all times.