Why raise turkeys?
Many people have already heard about those who grow their own vegetables and the money they save by doing so. But not many people have heard about the process of raising their own turkeys. Raising turkeys is different from raising vegetables in that turkeys require more maintenance and a shelter (called a coop).
However, turkeys provide more than vegetables can. Raising your own chickens can give you a bountiful amount of eggs on a regular basis, which are high in protein and are only about 171 calories per egg and full of protien. You can eat the meat of the turkey, also providing protein and giving you a cheap meal. You can use the manure the turkey provide to make your own fertilizer, which you know is natural and is cheaper than going out to the store to buy fertilizer. The turkeys are under your supervision, meaning no drugs have been administered to the turkey or placed in the eggs or meat. Turkeys also make great pets. They are easy going animals and have interesting and unique personalities.
Raising your own turkeys means you can save money on food, fertilizer, and buying a new pet. However, turkeys need shelter. Turkey coops can be built in many different sizes and are meant to hold all of the turkeys you own. Buying a professionally made turkey coop is expensive and not that much different than the coops that you can make yourself.
Are you interested in buying your own turkeys, but want to make the coop yourself? Want step by step instructions on how to build different sized poultry coops (with detailed pictures)? Check out this guide.
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